32 posts

Swing in KL

A day trip in Kuala Lumpur Une journée à Kuala Lumpur Una giornata a Kuala Lumpur by Fabio Campo & Claudine Tissier   filmed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2010 and 2011 soundtrack by Glenn Miller  thanks to Thehitman Nazri and KL Gangster movie set 2011 Small Things Productions


I miss Indian trains ” a no comment movie ” by Fabio Campo filmed in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, India 2010 and 2011 soundtrack by Palancar: “Taputji” 2011 Small Things Productions creative commons

Come back in Prema Vasam

a “no comment” movie di Fabio Campo e Claudine Tissier Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Agosto 2010 Siamo tornati nell’istituto Prema Vasam di Chennai, una ONG indiana che si occupa di disabili e bambini abbandonati. Durante la mattina i bambini disabili, che qui sono chiamati “speciali” sono accuditi da fisioterapisti oppure […]

Des taxis en sari au festival Partir Autrement 2011

Samedi 2 avril 2011 à 15h30 Des taxis en sari une expérience de tourisme solidaire (Inde) documentaire de Claudine Tissier, Fabio Campo, Olivier Grimbert, 25’. Trois jeunes femmes conductrices d’auto-rickshaw vivant dans le plus grand bidonville de Chennai sont aidées par l’ONG Speed Trust. Ce documentaire nous fait partager leur […]

Trip to the beach

Kerala, India, Agosto 2010 In gita con alcune mamme e bambini della “casa delle mamme” un progetto di solidarietà per aiutare mamme indiane abbandonate e i loro bambini Kerala, India, August 2010 A trip with some mothers and children of “casa delle mamme” a solidarity project to help lonely and […]

Prem Boys Home

Tamil Nadu, India, Agosto 2010 Sulla strada per Arakkonam dove si trova la “Prem Boys Home” una casa per 30 ragazzi Tamil Nadu, India, August 2010 On the way to Arakkonam where is the “Prem Boys Home” home for 30 boys versione italiana: english version: by Fabio Campo and Claudine […]

Sini & Roy, The Wedding

August 17 2010 Kerala, India the clip (short version): https://www.celestissima.org/smallthings/wp-content/uploads/2010-sini-roy-wedding-clip.mp4   the movie (long version): https://www.celestissima.org/smallthings/wp-content/uploads/2010-sini-roy-wedding.mp4   filmed by Agnus Claudine Tissier Fabio Campo soundtrack: “Perpetuum Mobile” “Voices of Spring Waltz” Johann Strauss Jr. “When I fall in love” Victor Silvester Orchestra “Waltz 2 from jazz suite” Dmitri Shostakovich Small […]

In the mood for beach

chapter one: Noppharatt chapter two: Pak Meng a “no comment” movie by Fabio Campo soundtrack: “Soft” by Mary Poppins and the Dubitative Sex Toys Boys filmed in Noppharatt (Ao Nang – Krabi), Pak Meng (Trang) Thailand, February 2010 2010 Small Things

Few moments in Wat Tham Sua

Tiger Cave Temple a “no comment” movie by Fabio Campo soundtrack: “Singular” by Project Divinity filmed in Krabi, Thailand, February 2010 2010 Small Things

Casa delle mamme – foto estate 2010

Un’ azione di solidarietà in Kerala, India “La casa delle mamme” è un progetto di adozione a distanza di mamme con i loro bambini GALLERIA FOTO (luglio-agosto) 2010

Groove train

a “no comment” movie   by Fabio Campo soundtrack: “Jungle of Groove” by Project Divinity filmed in Thailand, February 2010 2010 Small Things

Walking to school

a “no comment” movie by Fabio Campo Chennai, Inde, dans le slum de Gandhi Nagar, comme chaque matin, le filles de Guna partent pour l’école. Chennai, India, nello slum di Gandhi Nagar, come ogni mattino, le figlia di Guna partono per la scuola Chennai, India, Gandhi Nagar Slum, today, like […]

Ritratti Namaste

Namaste Onlus, Vellanad, Kerala, India www.namaste-adozioni.org

Evening in Krabi

a “no comment” movie by Fabio Campo music: ชื่นชีวิต filmed in Krabi, Thailand, February 2010 Chinese New Year celebrations 2010 Small Things